Tuesday 13 December 2016

SwissCoin : A New Promising Cryptocurrency!

What is SwissCoin?

SWISSCOIN - is the future of the digital crypto-currency. This is a logical development of the Bitcoin success story according to the Swiss standards! The company’s headquarters are based in Switzerland, in the canton of Zug - the epicenter of the digital and financial growth of the new crypto-valley. Along with the SwissCoin here thrive and develop such companies as BitCoin, Ethereum, Monetas, Blockchain Source, Swissmine crypto and other innovative companies. We have no doubt that exactly in Switzerland there will be developed the latest cryptography standards according to the world requirements of the market, moreover the unique algorithms crypto -currency will be created.

would you like tto make mony just 25 euro in 2016 but it will 36 euro in 2017 so whare are you?

Swisscoin is the most promising cryptocurrency out there today! Invest in a early state and earn big profits! 100 FREE coins upon registration. MLM business to earn extra bonus

100 Million FREE SWISSCOINS For The People

how to get 100 free coins yours just follow the steps:-

  step1: to verify and edit your account:
you have to go to the dashboard left side: Basic data then to my data -and klick on edit account then pls fill in your dates and klick on : Update Profile then this is done
Step 2.: Verify your account at Basic Data - KYC click on it and read the text pls then upload your Passort or Identity card ( front and backside) and a Bill with your name and adress on it ( not elder than 3 months) - it can be a Handybill or an electricity bill when this is done your account is active and you get this 100 Freecoins FIX
1 Swisscoin now is 0,015€ worth so this 100 coins are 15€ worth now but they will increase the value soon and get more and more worth

                                                                                                                                   CLICK HERE TO JOIN

1.Benefits of Swiss coin

By using the Swiss coin we can do transaction in the whole world. Earn money by purchasing packages and create a bright future by holding Swiss coin for a long time by achieving the rank we can get a house cash prizes and many more prizes as well

2. What is the future of the Swiss coin?

As we know the future currency is the paperless so we learn about the paperless currency and try to work on it to make a great future in whole process we learn about Swiss coin

                 The Prediction chart

Year                     Price            Indian rupees
2016                    0 .30 euro      (22.50 Inr)
2017                    1.00 euro      (75 .00 Inr)
2018                    2.50 euro      (182.50 Inr )
2019                    5 euro            (375 Inr )
2020                    10 euro          (750 Inr)
2021                    20 euro          (1500 Inr)

3.   How can we get income by investing without working on it?

If we do only investment we get tokens and after splits token will become double. Then mining will start. In this process ours token will convert into Swiss coin and during mining, coin rate will increasing day by day
 Suppose we will sell coin after one year and we have 100 coins.

If we predict minimum 0.45-0.50  euro (30- 35 inr)

 Then our Swiss coin rate

1000x35=35000 at the time

 We invest 50 Euros for 500 tokens
After one year it will convert 450-500 euro
10 times of our investment in 1 year

5 types of income in compensation plan

There are five types of income in ours compensation plan:-

1   Direct bonus (10% of bv business volume)
2.  Fast start bonus (10% of total direct sell) min 500 bv)
      (Req.two direct of 50-50 euro)
3.  Team bonus 22%( two direct 25-25 Euros)

4.   Matching income 90%( we have one 250 pack with two direct 505-50 Euros)

5.  1% of diamond pool ( we have to achieve the diamond rank)All bonus are calculate of bv (business volume)
(1euro=0bv) 100 euro =80 bv)

6.    What is the process of withdraw?
       We have four ways of withdraw

1. through the bank withdrawal
(take time in 5-7 working days)

2. through bit coin withdrawal
3. Through master card withdrawal (after September)
4. Sell in the open market.

7.   What is the career Ranks and benefits of ranks?
           we have a very long career plan by achieving ranks we can get rank bonus, certificates ,user name pin, house, and more surprises .
 purches a plan :-

Investment Packages

  • - EBook free 0 Split Academy level: 0
  • TRAINEE €25
  • - 200 token 1 Split Academy Level: 1
  • TESTER €50
  • - 500 token 1 Split Academy level: 2
  • TESTER €100
  • - 1,000 tokens 1 Split Academy level: 3
  • TESTER €250
  • - 2,500 tokens 1 Split Academy Level: 4
  • TESTER €500
  • - 5,000 tokens 1 Split Academy Level: 5
  • TRADER €1000
  • - 10,000 tokens 2 splits Academy Level: 6
  • - 25,000 tokens 2 splits Academy Level: 7
  • - 60,000 tokens 2 splits Academy Level: 8
  • - 90,000 tokens 3 splits Academy Level: 9
  • - 120,000 tokens 3 Splits in Mining Academy Level: 10
  • - 200,000 tokens 3 Splits in Mining Academy Level: 11
    ts important part how to parches a plan you can see there are the planThere are re many ways you can choose anyone
  1. pyaza.com
  2. okypay.com
  3. bitcoin
  4 ewallet payment  
             5. sepa
             6. cash +trading
             7. swift

                                                                    CLICK HERE TO JOIN

For better guidence join ours facebook swisscoin groups  join here

send me a friend request on facebook click here